Top 6 Benefits of Taking Collagen Supplements

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它是构成几个身体部位的结缔组织的主要成分,包括肌腱、韧带、皮肤和肌肉(1 可信来源)。

胶原蛋白具有许多重要功能,包括为您的皮肤提供结构和增强骨骼(1 可信来源)。

In recent years, collagen supplements have become popular. Most are hydrolyzed, which means the collagen has been broken down, making it easier for you to absorb.

There are also several foods you can eat to increase your collagen intake, including pork skin and bone broth.

Consuming collagen may have a variety of health benefits, from relieving joint pain to improving skin health (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).

This article will discuss 6 science-backed health benefits of taking collagen.

1. Can improve skin health
Collagen is a major component of your skin.

It plays a role in strengthening skin, plus may benefit elasticity and hydration. As you age, your body produces less collagen, leading to dry skin and the formation of wrinkles (4Trusted Source).

However, several studies have shown that collagen peptides or supplements containing collagen may help slow the aging of your skin by reducing wrinkles and dryness (5, 6, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

In one study, women who took a supplement containing 2.5–5 grams of collagen for 8 weeks experienced less skin dryness and a significant increase in skin elasticity compared with those who did not take the supplement (7Trusted Source).

Another study found that women who drank a beverage mixed with a collagen supplement daily for 12 weeks experienced increased skin hydration and a significant reduction in wrinkle depth compared with a control group (6).

The wrinkle-reducing effects of collagen supplements have been attributed to their ability to stimulate your body to produce collagen on its own (4Trusted Source, 5).

Additionally, taking collagen supplements may promote the production of other proteins that help structure your skin, including elastin and fibrillin (4Trusted Source, 5).

There are also many anecdotal claims that collagen supplements help prevent acne and other skin conditions, but these are not supported by scientific evidence.

You can buy collagen supplements online.

Taking supplements that contain collagen may help slow the aging of your skin. However, stronger evidence is needed from studies examining the effects of collagen on its own.

2. Helps relieve joint pain
Collagen helps maintain the integrity of your cartilage, which is the rubber-like tissue that protects your joints.

As the amount of collagen in your body decreases as you get older, your risk of developing degenerative joint disorders such as osteoarthritis increases (9).

Some studies have shown that taking collagen supplements may help improve symptoms of osteoarthritis and reduce joint pain overall (2Trusted Source, 9).

In one study, 73 athletes who consumed 10 grams of collagen daily for 24 weeks experienced a significant decrease in joint pain while walking and at rest, compared with a group that did not take it (10Trusted Source).

In another study, adults took 2 grams of collagen daily for 70 days. Those who took collagen had a significant reduction in joint pain and were better able to engage in physical activity than those who did not take it (11Trusted Source).

Researchers have theorized that supplemental collagen may accumulate in cartilage and stimulate your tissues to make collagen.

They have suggested this may lead to lower inflammation, better support of your joints, and reduced pain (12Trusted Source).

If you want to try taking a collagen supplement for its potential pain-relieving effects, studies suggest you should start with a daily dosage of 8–12 grams (9, 13Trusted Source).

Taking collagen supplements has been shown to reduce inflammation and stimulate collagen synthesis in the body. This may help promote pain relief among people with joint disorders like osteoarthritis.

3. Could prevent bone loss
Your bones are made mostly of collagen, which gives them structure and helps keep them strong (14Trusted Source).

Just as the collagen in your body deteriorates as you age, so does bone mass. This may lead to conditions like osteoporosis, which is characterized by low bone density and linked to a higher risk of bone fractures (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).

Studies have shown that taking collagen supplements may have certain effects in the body that help inhibit the bone breakdown that leads to osteoporosis (9, 13Trusted Source).

In one study, women took either a calcium supplement combined with 5 grams of collagen or a calcium supplement and no collagen daily for 12 months.

By the end of the study, the women taking the calcium and collagen supplement had significantly lower blood levels of proteins that promote bone breakdown than those taking only the calcium (16Trusted Source).

Another study found similar results in 66 women who took 5 grams of collagen daily for 12 months.

The women who took the collagen showed an increase of up to 7% in their bone mineral density (BMD), compared with women who did not consume collagen (17Trusted Source).

BMD is a measure of the density of minerals, such as calcium, in your bones. Low BMD is associated with weak bones and the development of osteoporosis (18Trusted Source).

These results are promising, but more human studies are needed before the role of collagen supplements in bone health can be confirmed.

Consuming collagen supplements may help reduce the risk of bone disorders like osteoporosis. They have the potential to help increase BMD and lower levels of proteins in the blood that stimulate bone breakdown.

TRANSFORM: Health Equity
We believe in health equity — the equal opportunity for everyone to live their healthiest life. Volunteer your time to transform your community and join us in creating a healthier world — for everyone.

4. Could boost muscle mass
Between 1–10% of muscle tissue is composed of collagen. This protein is necessary to keep your muscles strong and functioning properly (19Trusted Source).

Studies suggest that collagen supplements help boost muscle mass in people with sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass that happens with age (20Trusted Source).

In one study, 27 frail men took 15 grams of collagen while participating in an exercise program daily for 12 weeks. Compared with men who exercised but did not take collagen, they gained significantly more muscle mass and strength (20Trusted Source).

Researchers have suggested that taking collagen may promote the synthesis of muscle proteins like creatine, as well as stimulate muscle growth after exercise (20Trusted Source).

More research is necessary to investigate collagen’s potential to boost muscle mass.

Research has shown that consuming collagen supplements increased muscle growth and strength in people with age-related muscle mass loss.

5. Promotes heart health
Researchers have theorized that taking collagen supplements may help reduce the risk of heart-related conditions.

Collagen provides structure to your arteries, which are the blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Without enough collagen, arteries may become weak and fragile (1Trusted Source).

这可能导致动脉粥样硬化,这是一种以动脉变窄为特征的疾病。动脉粥样硬化有可能导致心脏病发作和中风(21 可信来源)。

在一项研究中,31 名健康成年人每天服用 16 克胶原蛋白,持续 6 个月。到最后,与开始服用补充剂之前相比,他们的动脉僵硬度指标显着降低(22 可信来源)。

此外,他们的高密度脂蛋白“好”胆固醇水平平均增加了 6%。HDL 是心脏病风险的重要因素,包括动脉粥样硬化(22 可信来源)。



6. 其他健康益处

头发和指甲。服用胶原蛋白可以通过防止变脆来增加指甲的强度。此外,它可能会刺激您的头发和指甲长得更长(23 可信来源)。


它是构成几个身体部位的结缔组织的主要成分,包括肌腱、韧带、皮肤和肌肉(1 可信来源)。

胶原蛋白具有许多重要功能,包括为您的皮肤提供结构和增强骨骼(1 可信来源)。

In recent years, collagen supplements have become popular. Most are hydrolyzed, which means the collagen has been broken down, making it easier for you to absorb.

There are also several foods you can eat to increase your collagen intake, including pork skin and bone broth.

Consuming collagen may have a variety of health benefits, from relieving joint pain to improving skin health (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).

This article will discuss 6 science-backed health benefits of taking collagen.

1. Can improve skin health
Collagen is a major component of your skin.

It plays a role in strengthening skin, plus may benefit elasticity and hydration. As you age, your body produces less collagen, leading to dry skin and the formation of wrinkles (4Trusted Source).

However, several studies have shown that collagen peptides or supplements containing collagen may help slow the aging of your skin by reducing wrinkles and dryness (5, 6, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

In one study, women who took a supplement containing 2.5–5 grams of collagen for 8 weeks experienced less skin dryness and a significant increase in skin elasticity compared with those who did not take the supplement (7Trusted Source).

Another study found that women who drank a beverage mixed with a collagen supplement daily for 12 weeks experienced increased skin hydration and a significant reduction in wrinkle depth compared with a control group (6).

The wrinkle-reducing effects of collagen supplements have been attributed to their ability to stimulate your body to produce collagen on its own (4Trusted Source, 5).

Additionally, taking collagen supplements may promote the production of other proteins that help structure your skin, including elastin and fibrillin (4Trusted Source, 5).

There are also many anecdotal claims that collagen supplements help prevent acne and other skin conditions, but these are not supported by scientific evidence.

You can buy collagen supplements online.

Taking supplements that contain collagen may help slow the aging of your skin. However, stronger evidence is needed from studies examining the effects of collagen on its own.

2. Helps relieve joint pain
Collagen helps maintain the integrity of your cartilage, which is the rubber-like tissue that protects your joints.

As the amount of collagen in your body decreases as you get older, your risk of developing degenerative joint disorders such as osteoarthritis increases (9).

Some studies have shown that taking collagen supplements may help improve symptoms of osteoarthritis and reduce joint pain overall (2Trusted Source, 9).

In one study, 73 athletes who consumed 10 grams of collagen daily for 24 weeks experienced a significant decrease in joint pain while walking and at rest, compared with a group that did not take it (10Trusted Source).

In another study, adults took 2 grams of collagen daily for 70 days. Those who took collagen had a significant reduction in joint pain and were better able to engage in physical activity than those who did not take it (11Trusted Source).

Researchers have theorized that supplemental collagen may accumulate in cartilage and stimulate your tissues to make collagen.

They have suggested this may lead to lower inflammation, better support of your joints, and reduced pain (12Trusted Source).

If you want to try taking a collagen supplement for its potential pain-relieving effects, studies suggest you should start with a daily dosage of 8–12 grams (9, 13Trusted Source).

Taking collagen supplements has been shown to reduce inflammation and stimulate collagen synthesis in the body. This may help promote pain relief among people with joint disorders like osteoarthritis.

3. Could prevent bone loss
Your bones are made mostly of collagen, which gives them structure and helps keep them strong (14Trusted Source).

Just as the collagen in your body deteriorates as you age, so does bone mass. This may lead to conditions like osteoporosis, which is characterized by low bone density and linked to a higher risk of bone fractures (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).

Studies have shown that taking collagen supplements may have certain effects in the body that help inhibit the bone breakdown that leads to osteoporosis (9, 13Trusted Source).

In one study, women took either a calcium supplement combined with 5 grams of collagen or a calcium supplement and no collagen daily for 12 months.

By the end of the study, the women taking the calcium and collagen supplement had significantly lower blood levels of proteins that promote bone breakdown than those taking only the calcium (16Trusted Source).

Another study found similar results in 66 women who took 5 grams of collagen daily for 12 months.

The women who took the collagen showed an increase of up to 7% in their bone mineral density (BMD), compared with women who did not consume collagen (17Trusted Source).

BMD is a measure of the density of minerals, such as calcium, in your bones. Low BMD is associated with weak bones and the development of osteoporosis (18Trusted Source).

These results are promising, but more human studies are needed before the role of collagen supplements in bone health can be confirmed.

Consuming collagen supplements may help reduce the risk of bone disorders like osteoporosis. They have the potential to help increase BMD and lower levels of proteins in the blood that stimulate bone breakdown.

TRANSFORM: Health Equity
We believe in health equity — the equal opportunity for everyone to live their healthiest life. Volunteer your time to transform your community and join us in creating a healthier world — for everyone.

4. Could boost muscle mass
Between 1–10% of muscle tissue is composed of collagen. This protein is necessary to keep your muscles strong and functioning properly (19Trusted Source).

Studies suggest that collagen supplements help boost muscle mass in people with sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass that happens with age (20Trusted Source).

In one study, 27 frail men took 15 grams of collagen while participating in an exercise program daily for 12 weeks. Compared with men who exercised but did not take collagen, they gained significantly more muscle mass and strength (20Trusted Source).

Researchers have suggested that taking collagen may promote the synthesis of muscle proteins like creatine, as well as stimulate muscle growth after exercise (20Trusted Source).

More research is necessary to investigate collagen’s potential to boost muscle mass.

Research has shown that consuming collagen supplements increased muscle growth and strength in people with age-related muscle mass loss.

5. Promotes heart health
Researchers have theorized that taking collagen supplements may help reduce the risk of heart-related conditions.

Collagen provides structure to your arteries, which are the blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Without enough collagen, arteries may become weak and fragile (1Trusted Source).

这可能导致动脉粥样硬化,这是一种以动脉变窄为特征的疾病。动脉粥样硬化有可能导致心脏病发作和中风(21 可信来源)。

在一项研究中,31 名健康成年人每天服用 16 克胶原蛋白,持续 6 个月。到最后,与开始服用补充剂之前相比,他们的动脉僵硬度指标显着降低(22 可信来源)。

此外,他们的高密度脂蛋白“好”胆固醇水平平均增加了 6%。HDL 是心脏病风险的重要因素,包括动脉粥样硬化(22 可信来源)。



6. 其他健康益处

头发和指甲。服用胶原蛋白可以通过防止变脆来增加指甲的强度。此外,它可能会刺激您的头发和指甲长得更长(23 可信来源)。


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